Nashville Homecoming
Gaither Gospel Series
The Hallelujah Side
featuring Charlotte Ritchie, Welsey Pritchard, TaRanda Green, Chris Freeman
(gospel sound with some added licks... great talent here)
I Wish I Could Have Been There
featuring The Perrys
(family group singing a faster song; again gospel)
Try A Little Kindness
featuring Tim Surrett
(this guy has the sweetest voice... country/gospel song; slower)
I Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now
featuring George McDonald, Glenn Dustin
(Very old gospel tent song)
God Is In The Shadows
featuring The Collingsworth Family
(another family group singing a sweet song... more of a modern sound; very soft)
Over and Over
featuring Jeff and Sheri Easter, Charlotte Ritchie
(modern sound; faster; wonderful tune and words... one of my favorites)
I Don't Regret A Mile
featuring Johnny Minick, Guy Penrod, Sheri Easter (Howard Goodman from The Happy Goodmans: 50 Faithful Years)
(old gospel song; hymn sound)
Child Of The King
featuring Mike Allen, Tim Duncan (Brock Speer from Moments to Remember)
(old gospel song; hymn sound; nice)
I'm So Glad
featuring Jessy Dixon, Alicia Williamson
(very southern/African American sound; get ready to tap your toes!)
The Dearest Friend I Ever Had
featuring The Homecoming Friends
(old gospel song that brings back really good memories)
Feet On The Ground
featuring Dallas Holm
(a slower song with a very rock beat)

O Happy Day
featuring Lillie Knauls, The Talley Trio
(Lillie Knauls always makes me smile... very southern gospel with Lillie's special sound)
Jonah, Job & Moses
featuring the Oak Ridge Boys
(nice song; very country/gospel sound... guitar)
I Just Came To Talk With You, Lord
featuring Dottie Rambo
(I love this song! It's a good reminder... very gentle sound)
The Promise
featuring The Martins
(modern sound; good words)
Ain't Gonna Give Up On God
featuring Gordon Mote
(Gordon Mote never ceases to amaze me. This time, he's on an organ. More bluesy sound.)
Meeting In The Air
featuring Joshua Pope on piano
(Joshua Pope was 14 at the time he performed on this DVD. He was pretty good. :-) Old gospel/spiritual favorite)
Strike Up The Band
featuring Legacy Five
(Old gospel sounding favorite with bluesy licks. Watch their pianist.. he's amazing.)
In The Upper Room
featuring The Gatlin Brothers
(I really enjoyed this one. Great guitar playing; great voices; great song)
The One I'm Dying For
featuring The Isaacs
(The Isaacs have always been a hit with me. One of their softer songs)
It Won't Rain Always
featuring Janet Paschal
(Janet's voice is like early morning dew drops on rose petals. Pink rose petals. She not only has a beautiful voice, she is beautiful. Jesus simply shines through her...)
Make It Real
featuring Mark Lowry
(Mark's voice isn't a typical one but it has a wonderful quality to it that I like. The song is nice too.)
I Need Thee Every Hour
featuring The Homecoming Friends
(This hymn is one of my all-time favorites and it sounds even better with all of these wonderful folks singing.)
featuring The Hoppers
(The Hoppers always do unique songs... this one is one of their good ones.)
Send It On Down
featuring Reggie Smith, TaRanda Greene
(very gospel sounding... Reggie Smith is among my favorite male singers.)
I love Gaither's Gospel Series. We have a few of them and they are such a blessing. God especially used this DVD during a hard time... when you need encouragement listen to Jeff & Sheri Easter sing “Over and Over Again”. :-) “It Won't Rain Always” with Janet Paschal was inspiring as well... both songs really resonated with me for more reasons than one. Both Janet and Sheri have gone through cancer and are still praising God with overflowing hearts of joy... thanksgiving through trials says more about God speaks louder than anything else.
Watch Linda Randall. She's sunshine. :-)
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